

Hematoma atau hematom adalah penumpukan darah tidak normal di luar pembuluh darah. Kondisi ini terjadi akibat dinding pembuluh darah, baik arteri, vena, ataupun kapiler, rusak sehingga darah bocor ke jaringan lain yang tidak semestinya. Jika terjadi dekat dengan permukaan kulit, kondisi ini akan tampak seperti memar atau lebam.

Hematometra biasanya ditandai dengan rasa nyeri siklik dan kram di sekitar garis tengah panggul atau perut bagian bawah. [1] Beberapa pasien juga dapat mengalami frekuensi urine dan retensi urine. [2] Wanita pramenopause yang menderita hematometra sering mengalami pendarahan vagina yang abnormal, termasuk dismenore (nyeri selama menstruasi ...

Hemato publishes peer-reviewed articles on hematology, including non-neoplastic and neoplastic blood disorders, hemoglobinopathies, and blood transfusion. The journal covers topics such as iron deficiency, sickle cell disease, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and vascular graft infection.

The ontogeny of human haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is poorly defined owing to the inability to identify HSCs as they emerge and mature at different haematopoietic sites 1.Here we created a single-cell transcriptome map of human haematopoietic tissues from the first trimester to birth and found that the HSC signature RUNX1 + HOXA9 + MLLT3 + MECOM + HLF + SPINK2 + distinguishes HSCs from ...

Hematologi adalah cabang ilmu kedokteran yang mempelajari darah dan gangguan pada darah. Dengan ilmu hematologi, dokter dapat mendiagnosis dan mengobati berbagai kelainan darah, seperti anemia, gangguan pembekuan darah, hemofilia, dan leukemia. Dokter yang secara khusus mempelajari ilmu tentang hematologi dikenal dengan sebutan hematolog.

The study included hemato-oncology patients with suspected pneumonia and a planned LDCT of the chest. These patients underwent additional imaging with an ultra-low-dose CT that allowed for the reconstruction of a TT. Three radiologists assessed the images for infectious/inflammatory opacities, small airway infectious/inflammatory changes ...

Hematology ( always spelled haematology in British English) is the branch of medicine concerned with the study of the cause, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases related to blood. [1] [2] It involves treating diseases that affect the production of blood and its components, such as blood cells, hemoglobin, blood proteins, bone marrow ...

Hemato (ISSN 2673-6357) is an open access journal of scientific research on hematology. It publishes article types including research papers, reviews, communications and case reports, etc., covering all aspects of hematology, from the pathogenesis to diagnosis of blood diseases and personalized management.

Bedanya Hematolog dan Onkolog. Hematolog dan onkolog sering dianggap sama karena dalam beberapa kasus, keduanya memang bisa bekerja sama untuk membantu mendiagnosa dan menentukan pengobatan yang tepat bagi pengidap kanker darah. Tapi, hematolog dan onkolog juga bisa saling berkoordinasi dengan dokter spesialis lainnya lagi, seperti radiologi ...

Here, we provide a comprehensive view of current knowledge on hemato-vascular connections, including recent findings from studies that have employed genetic lineage tracing, stem cell culture, or single cell transcriptomics to study hematopoiesis.

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